
Home Stay お誕生日のお祝い

Home Stay Happy Birthday

Home stay girls!!

We had a lovely birthday party.
She goes to a local school in Weston Super Mare.
A very special birthday girl with another home stay girl from Japan. 



Baytree school( Special need) 学習障害、身体障害の学校訪問

We visited the Baytree School in Weston Super Mare.

Volunteer Action
The Baytree school is the special needs school.
We can not take a photo of children but we saw and learned how to teach children there a bit. They use a lot of cards of words and pictures. That way, children can communicate with teachers better. Teachers and children are so hard work there. God bless.

Baytree(ベイツリー) という学校を訪問しました。研究とボランティア活動の一つです。


Elderly people's home Visits  老人ホーム訪問

We visited Abby Filed elderly people’s home in Weston Super Mare.(Volunteer Action)
We introduced the Japanese culture and practiced the Origami art making.
One beautiful English lady challenged to make a bird.
Well done to her. She told us that she is over 90 years old.
It was amazing!!!
They are asking us to come back to show making Sushi next.

Weston Super MareにあるAbby Filedという老人ホームをボランティア訪問しました。


Learning disabilities people make a lovely pottery.

The UK/Japan Volunteers Association

Learning disabilities people make a lovely pottery.




Charity visits チャリティー訪問

Brandon Trust Awards ceremony for learning sisabilities
(ブランダン トラストの障害者達の表彰式)

We are invited to the wonderful Awards ceremony by the Brandon Trust.
Many people who have learning disabilities compleated some seminars and courses.
Well done everybody.  The Mayor of Weston Super Mare came to give a sartificate to everyone.


Brandon Trust allotment (ブランダン トラストのアロットメント)
Another project of the Brandon Trust.
People with learning disabilities' allotment.
They make beautiful flowers and delicius vigitables.
They work so hard but same time, they are enjoying working here.

ブランダン トラストのもう一つのプロジェクトとして アロットメントというのがあります。もともとの意味は配分、、、とか言うものですが、土地を政府から配分されて、荒地だったところを開拓し、今では花、野菜果物などを作って売っています。障害者の人たちが数年かけて、開拓し実りを出すようになったところを紹介します。下の写真は荒地だった頃。(Allotment Before)
 開拓後(Allotment Afetr)


At Westheaven School 学校訪問

Visiting the Westheaven School(Special needs)
Such a heavenly school it was! All the teachers and children were smiling like the sun shine.
I wish I could show you their smiling but I can not. Sorry.
The children are making a lot of pots of flowers and selling them.

校長先生はとても美人で親切な方でした。子供達はお花を栽培して売って、そのお金も学校資金として使われています。(with head teacher)

 Flowers the children grew (子供達が作っているお花のポット)


UK-Japan Volunteers Association

There are many good reasons why the UK/Japan volunteers Association is so meaningful...

We are so pleased that we can offer our unique service.
We are the Bridge between the UK and Japan.
Both the UK and Japan have many things to learn about each other.
Many of our volunteers in both countries can be exchanged, which means that both countries have a great advantage to know each other's cultures, life styles, education systems, welfare systems and many more.


Brandon Trust (learning disabilities people's pottery making)
Thay are making a beautiful pottery here. Some are drawing and some are painting but most wonderful thing is that everyone here is so happy to work. It was lovely to meet all the people.

ブランダン トラストというチャリティー グループが障害者達に様々なお仕事が出来る機会を与えています。これはPotteryをつくる小さな工場みたいなところで、白い粉みたいなものを練って形を固めて、切って、色を塗る、、、様な作業をやっています。絵を描いている人たちもいます。皆明るく働いているんです。心が暖まります。